Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Breaking down success...

I just finished up meeting with a couple and watching a slideshow of the images of their recent wedding...and I have to admit that I am feeling pretty good right now. Stephanie started to tear up seeing her wedding photos (It helps that I set the slideshow to music like Coldplay, Jack Johnson...etc) and I knew that I had knocked this one right out of the park. Everything about shooting this wedding seemed to flow smoothly it made my job so easy. So I started to think about why THIS particular wedding flowed so well and break down the components.

1.Photography was a priority

Jason and Stephanie made it clear to me that having amazing photos of them and their wedding was a big deal. They made the time for photos and were open to pretty much anything. Stephanie and Jason really placed a lot of value on their wedding photos...and it makes such a huge difference.

2. Vision

Stephanie had a clear idea of what she wanted. It sounds so simple. But when she told me that she was envisioning her wedding as being "Rustic and Elegant" my mind immediately started to form ideas of how I would shoot this thing, and imagining potential scenes.

One of the things I encouraged Stephanie to do (and what I tell all my Brides) is to send me images or links to wedding images they really love...this can be a wedding planning website or another photographer. Other peoples work is a constant source of inspiration for me (I'm not going to sit here and tell you that I never look to other photographers for ideas) and if you can show me an image or a style that you like, I can take that idea and put my own spin on it.

3. Meaning

The wedding ceremony was up at Lac Le Jeune Resort just south of Kamloops, not far from where Jason had grown up on his families ranch. His parents had long since sold the ranch, but the property still held meaning to him, and we decided before hand that we would go to the property after the ceremony to shoot the wedding party. This really gave the images a much deeper meaning to them. And having your clients really stoked on the location...goes a VERY long way.

4. Preparation

Stephanie and Jason took the time out of their busy lives to drive me up to the ranch where Jason grew up and show me around so that we could generate ideas and find some great spots for photos. This meant that on the actual wedding day, we already knew exactly where we were going to shoot, how far away it was and how long it would take to get there and back.

5. Trusting the photographer

After driving back from shooting at the ranch, people where definitely ready to get into an air conditioned building and have a cold drink. I can't blame was crazy hot that day. But I had scoped out a potential shot at the beginning of the day that I knew would be so kick ass. The shot was about a 60 second walk out the back of the building and at the end of the dock over looking the lake. I was tempted to just let it go...and not bother asking them for "just one more". But I asked anyways...and they didn't even hesitate..."lets do it".

I think I only fired off about 4 frames...and that was it. It only took a minute. But it created my favourite image from the whole wedding and possibly the whole summer. And that moment would never have happened if Stephanie and Jason hadn't trusted me. And during the slideshow I was almost giddy with excitement as that photograph drew closer and closer...I couldn't wait to see her reaction...and she absolutely loved. The best part was that Jason was really stoked on it. That's how I know I've done a great job...when I can get a guy really stoked on his wedding photos.

Thank you so much Stephanie and Jason for being so awesome!

So here is that shot on the dock I was just talking about:

And here are a few more that I particularly enjoy from that day!

1 comment:

  1. Andy, I just realized you have been blogging. I didn't know, but I'm stoked that you're doing it. These images are awesometastic. You are one of my inspirations for great photography lately! I'm really proud of you and how far you've come in such a short time!
