Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Colors

I've said it before and I'll say it again...Fall is the best season in kamloops. We get to do all the fun outdoor activities of the summer, minus the insane heat. As an added bonus we also get some amazing colors in the trees down by the river. Couple that with some late afternoon sunshine and you have the perfect receipt for making amazing photographs. 

This past week I was busy doing shoots with families that really wanted to take advantage of these colors while they lasted...and the results were amazing! I had such a great time meeting new people and working together to create some really special images.

I had quite a few families contact me about doing their family portraits, but were unsure about doing them outside. I hope that the images I post with this entry will be enough to convince you that outdoor family portraits are THE BEST! There is just no way to duplicate this color and light in a studio.

We still have a few weeks left before the leaves are all gone, so if you have not had your family photos done yet, give me a call at 250-574-1558 and we will work out the details.

Special thanks to Mike and Lorna for being one of the nicest and most laid back family I have had the pleasure of working with. And an extra special thanks to my girlfriend Stephanie (A.K.A. my Assistant) for helping out.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Jon and Brittany

Just finished up my shots from last Saturdays engagement photo session with Jon and Brittany. The weather was fantastic and we all had a great time taking some really fun pictures down around Riverside Park. 

Thank you Jon and Brittany for being such  awesome couple to work with and I can't wait to shoot your BIG DAY!

You can check out the rest of the Jon and Brittany's shots at

Monday, October 5, 2009

Great Weekend

What a weekend! I love the fall weather here in kamloops. On saturday I went mountain biking with a wicked crew of people and did some much needed trail cleaning on the Knutsford trail. Armed with a shovel, hoe (the garden tool) and a chainsaw we cleared most of the fallen deadwood off the trail. Special thanks to Scott Horley so bring the chainsaw, and actually being able to ride with a chainsaw strapped to his back. 

I was actually super impressed with Scotts riding. For a guy that is NOT a mountain biker and hasn't ridden in years...he was really throwing down. He even  re-rode a few sections so I could take some action shots...
which resulted in a pretty hillarious bail. 

But I have to hand it to Breen. The guy rode most of the day with a hoe across his handle bars and managed to only wipe out once. 

The best part about riding with a new group of people is being shown new areas that you haven't seen before. At one point we came to some of the biggest trail jumps I have ever seen, nestled into the tight little valley. This place was amazing. As a photographer, I was in heaven. All I could see was the incredible potential for some killer shots. Then to my amazement, Breen and Sam started to session these jumps. So I was scrambling all over trying to get the best angles before they hiked back up to hit them again. 

All in all, it was a great day of riding. With a great group of people that are stoked on life and riding.