Monday, June 21, 2010

So whats new....

Well a bunch of stuff! First off, I'm really pumped about having one of my shots selected for the cover of Sun Peaks Resorts 2010-11 winter brochure, as well as using my images throughout the rest of their advertising. Check it out here...

I get so much satisfaction looking at this shot and there are several reasons for that. I love the collaboration it takes to make images like this. Brett (the skier) and I knew that we were going to have really good, early morning sun, so we planned to meet up super early and be the first guys up the lift in order to take advantage of the light...and the light was perfect. I had also scouted this location a couple of times and imagined in my minds eye what the shot would look like. We arrived at the spot and hiked up through deep snow, and because I didn't want to have our tracks in the shot, we had to hike up in a long, roundabout way.

Next I had to explain to Brett what the shot looked like in my head. Then he had to hike up even further to get the speed he would need for the shot. Then of course we had a bunch of clouds rolling past the sun, so Brett had to wait patiently at the top for the perfect break in the light...and thankfully Brett knew exactly what I was imagining in my head and laid down a huge powder slash...right in the perfect sunny patch of snow...and presto...a cover shot.

I also really enjoy this shot because in the world of action sports photography, people often get hung up on the idea that you need a half dozen off camera flashes to take an epic shot, or that the athlete needs to be performing a death defying trick to make a shot look good (I am guilty of this all the time). So this image feels all the more satisfying in its simplicity. No complicated light setup, no crazy ass trick...just shredding powder on a sunny day.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

...and the Weddings continue

I don't know if I believe in divine intervention, but last saturday I felt like something more than luck came into play during a wedding shoot for young couple...Nicole and Jeff. Black clouds hovered around the city all day and brought with them sporadic, monsoon like downpours. Nicole and Jeff really wanted to take some fun pictures around town after the ceremony, and allotted a nice chunk of time before the reception to do so. However, the rain had been pretty constant for most of the day and often coming down quite heavily.

All during the ceremony it was pouring outside, so I was preparing for plan B...shooting indoors. But miraculously after the ceremony, the clouds parted and the sun shone through. So we ended up having a great time getting some fun shots before heading off to the reception.

I had such a good time shooting this wedding. Nicole and Jeff (and the rest of the wedding party) were really fun people to shoot with, which makes my job SOOOO much easier. I also have to tip my hat to Jeff (the groom) for throwing down on the dance floor. This guy was doing cartwheels and busting out breakdance moves all over the place...and his enthusiasm was infectious...people were really having a great time.

Here are a couple edits from the wedding, and I'm really looking forward to showing Nicole and Jeff the final product!

